How to track and maximize YouTube audience retention in 2021

How to track and maximize YouTube audience retention 

YouTube Audience Retention

Youtube Audience retention is an estimation of the number of people watching your videos when you get the ideas the people are enjoying your videos then you need to add some best portion of the video that are shareable to grab the attention of the audience or viewers.

It is an indicator when viewers stop watching your video content and it gives insight into which videos are working well or not and provide the chances of improvement.

It is essential to increase the subscribers and most YouTubers buy YouTube subscribers cheap, who are the real people, they will engage with your video content.

To maximize the YouTube audience retention in 2021, you need to hook the viewer’s attention with powerful keywords to prevent them dropping off and link with the playlists and jump cuts.

Let’s discuss audience retention and the best strategy to improve it. 


What is audience retention on YouTube? 

Audience retention is the measurement of the people who want to watch your videos by the viewers. As per the YouTube algorithm, the videos with the higher audience retention rate have more chances to get a higher ranking in the search results. Thus, it is an essential YouTube metric to convert your viewers into paying customers.


How to measure YouTube audience retention?  

If viewer watch your videos five minutes from the 10 minutes, then the YouTube retention rate will be 50%

There are two ways to measure the retention rate:

·      Absolute audience retention- The absolute audience retention rate represents the number of views in every second in the video.

·      Relative audience retention- It represents your Youtube video performance if the video graph shows more than 50% as compared with the same length videos then it shows your videos are doing a better job as compared to other videos with the same length.


What is a good audience retention rate on YouTube?

The better YouTube audience retention rate should be more than 50% and above for a better ranking in the search result and a lower audience retention rate is not help you to grow your channel.


How to track audience retention YouTube?

Youtube allows us to read the Youtube audience retention report of the channel as well as the video in YouTube analytics.

Guide to check report of channel:

1.    Open the Youtube studio

2.    Select the left menu, then select Analytics.

3.    Select the Engagement tab and here you can see the Audience retention report.

 Guide to check report of video:

1.    Open the YouTube Studio

2.    Click on the left menu, select Videos, you can choose a particular video.

3.    Now select Analytics.

4.    Click on the Engagement tab, check the Audience retention report. 


Now, you understand, how to see audience retention on YouTube & how to measure it.


How to increase audience retention on YouTube?

1.    Create an eye-catchy hook

The audience will decide in a few seconds whether they want to watch your videos or not. Thus, the first 15 seconds of the video is very important because it hooks the audience’s attention. If you are able to hook their attention in the video then it is more chances, they will continue to watch your video.

Types of hooks to grab the audience’s attention:

·      Clearly Specified Value- In starting of the video tell the viewer what they will get after watching the full video.

·      A Preview- Try to create a preview video for the audience to know what they watch in full videos.


2.    Use Pattern Interrupts

The next step to keep your audience engage with your videos and it can be anything to interrupt them. If you are able to interrupt them then more chances, they will watch the full-length videos.


3.    Do keyword research for better YouTube audience retention

We need to do better keyword research, identify their query to reach the target audience. The target audience watches the video if your video is problem-solving for them.


4.    Engage your viewers visually

As a creator try to create some motivation thought in the video to become successful and add some footage, illustrations, animation, pop-up, and text.


5.    Link other similar videos

If you want to increase the YouTube audience retention in the video then we need to directly link another similar type of video through the YouTube cards that will definitely help you. This practice also proves beneficial to gain more views for your Youtube channel.


6.    Eliminate insignificant content

We need to eliminate the content from our channel which has a bad audience retention YouTube.


7.    Include Graphics and Visuals

To increase the YouTube audience retention rate, we need to add some pictures, graphics, and visuals, including the post-production and it can be text and so that it grabs their attention.


8.    Link to a playlist

It is also more helpful for audience retention if you add the playlist’s link at the end of the videos and it shows the viewer, so that, then the viewer watches the video playlist.


I hope, in this article, you found some interesting and relevant facts to maximize the audience retention rate on your channel.





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