How to Create an Effective End Screen for Your YouTube Video (2021)

How to Create an Effective End Screen for Your YouTube Video in 2021

YouTube End Screen

To create an effective End screen for your video, you must choose relevant and right videos, identify your target goal, be simple, advertise your brand, go for proper CTAs, send traffic to your website, add useful playlist, affiliate links and leverage YouTube analytics to track your progress.

What is an End Screen and why they are important on YT? 

An end screen also called video outros is a useful tool that lies in a clickable box that can be added to the last 5-20 seconds of a video that YT offers creators to direct the viewers to take action. It can feature an incorporation of graphics, videos, and link-based content. When creating YouTube End screens, you can include four types of elements in it, namely; Video/playlist, Channel, Subscribe and links to your website/crowdfunding.

You must add end screen to your videos to increase views, watch-time, traffic, engagement & subscribers on your channel, get better ranking with YouTube algorithm, persuade the target audience to take action and direct viewers to a fundraising site. In fact, many YouTubers even buy real YouTube subscribers to appear higher in SERPs with YouTube algorithm.

Best practices to make effective End screens 

1.    Select the high converting video

To create YouTube end screen which is effective you must promote a high converting video that turns decent quantity of viewers into channel subscribers, have high audience retention percentage and engagement in terms of like, comments and shares. Or simply feature videos that’s relevant to your target audience need.

2.    Choose a relevant video

Select videos for your end screen promotion which are closely interconnected to the one the viewer just watched.

3.    Include a subscribe button

If your target goal for creating a YouTube end screen is to get more subscribers, make sure to add a subscriber element for the same. You may include terms like “click on this to subscribe” or “Subscribe”.

4.    Boost your website traffic

You can use your End Screen to drive more traffic to your website.

5.    Leverage YouTube analytics to track your progress

To study the End screens report you can use YouTube analytics and notice how effective your End screens are. If they are not accommodating in driving your target objectives you can easily add, delete or change elements or decide what to delete.

6.    Promote your brand

In your end screen use consistent branding, colors, logos, editing styles, etc. to help the viewers recognize your brand and build trust. You can few templates to add uniformity to your channel, which can add trustworthiness & appreciation more.

7.    Use a lot of whitespace

If your end screen becomes overly crowded with miscellaneous elements loaded on top of each other, it will be perplexing and you won’t see any positive results.

8.    Choose proper CTAs

You can provide links to relevant videos, blog posts, to crowdfunding, opt in to your e-mail, to visit your website and make a purchase of relevant products. You can ask for more than one action to be taken and provide your target audience with more options, but validate that the CTAs you’re optimizing for actually are based on the video they watched up to full length.

9.    Keep device in concern

If you are targeting desktop users, send them through a journey- to an opt-in page, then a sales page, an upsell page and so on. But if you are targeting mobile users, you might want to give them a steady CTA to sign up for mailing list, to follow them later.

10.          Make it user friendly

Be clear to convey your need. Tell your target audience what to do, where to click, and why (for a free content). Click and drag to move your End Screen elements from place to place and locate them so that they speak for themselves. You can even add text or graphics like arrows when creating your End screen so the target audience distinguishes exactly what the buttons delivers. If your they get muddled about where your element will take them, they aren’t going to click. Hence, be clear always.

11.          Give viewers time to proceed

Your End Screen will only appear for a maximum of 20 seconds. Which gives viewers very less time to click on your links. Hence, if you want to direct your viewers, start it before your End Screen appears to make the most of those 20 seconds.

We can undoubtedly say that End Screens are the future of YouTube links.

They’re unpretentious for marketers to set up and easy for target audience to take action. They generate more views, watch-time, subscribers & engagement. So, what are you waiting for? Create YouTube end screen effectively to promote all the performance metrics of your videos used by YouTube algorithm to rank them in search pages.

By following these tips, you can make your End Screen effective enough to sky-rocket the growth of your YouTube channel.

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