How to Leverage YouTube Cards in your Videos (2021)

 How to Leverage YouTube Cards in your Videos in 2021

YouTube cards

Youtube cards are used to derive more potential views on YouTube videos. Youtube card is one of the essential features for the growth of your YouTube channel as they allow creators to hook the audience attention in the middle of the videos or end of the videos.

Usually, after watching your video, viewers move to a different channel’s videos, that is exactly why YouTube card is important – to prevent the viewer to drop off, and to keep them watching our YouTube videos for a long time. This also helps you to get more views and subscribers. You can also buy organic YouTube subscribers, who are the real people to gain more viewership on your channel.

The Youtube cards allow us to promote our other videos, playlists, channels, and other merchandise, and add more visual components.

It is a simple marketing tool that allows adding texts, outside links and it is a pop-up or notification with powerful Clickable Call-to-Action.


Now we will be discussing how to add YouTube cards to your videos, and how it will help you to promote your business or YouTube videos.


What are YouTube Cards? 

YouTube video cards are an interactive element or pop-up and notifications that can be added to the videos anywhere in the starting, middle, and end of the videos. The rectangular YouTube card helps the creators to promote their brands, new videos, playlists, or any external link to hook the audience’s attention.

Youtube has various card options such as merchandise, other YouTube videos, fundraising, etc. The best time to add a card to the viewers is going drop-off.

They are more profitable when you are using them in the right way. In the videos, you can add Call-to-Action, and promote only the relevant content.

Youtube creators can use this amazing feature when they want to promote their own old video with new videos, it is more chances that your new audience love to watch the old videos.


 How to include Cards in your YouTube Video?

·      If want to add YouTube cards to your video, you need to open the channel and go to the Youtube Studio option.

·      For adding cards to the YouTube videos, go to video manager then select the video you want to add it to, now click on the edit drop-down option below the video title.

·      Now in the top navigation bar, click on the YouTube card, click on add card option, and press on the right side of your choice of card.

·      Fill in the required details for the YouTube card, like if you want to add a YouTube channel then you have to enter the URL and tap on creating a card.

·      You can set the exact pop-up time for the card in the video and add the card in the video in the desired timeline by dragging the card.


Types of YouTube Cards

Channel Card:

The Channel cards are used to promote your other Youtube channel that will help you to tell the audience to engage with your content and they will perform what you want with this channel.


Link Cards:

This is an amazing option when you want to promote your personal website for the traffic or you have an e-commerce store and you want to sell some products or affiliate product then the Link card is the right choice to redirect the traffic to the targeted website.

What you can promote using these Link cards:

·   Websites: The link card allows us to redirect traffic from video to blog or E-commerce website.

·  Merchandise: It will also help us to Promote the products and services from legit whole seller retailers.

·   Affiliate Product: Using a link card we can promote the affiliate link to generate sales.


Playlist and Video Cards:

When you want to increase the views on your YouTube videos, grab the audience’s attention on your YouTube channel, then you can use these features to promote your old videos or relevant video which are not performing well, the playlist and video, cards help you for promoting the channel.


Best practices for the YouTube cards

Promote new videos using YouTube cards:

Whenever you create a new video for your channel, and during the course of the video, there are certain terms or topics you have discussed in earlier videos, instead of discussing these topics yet again, you can simply add a card on the relevant time and call attention to it with the help of a CTA.

This practice also helps your older videos gain more views and engagement. Moreover, it increases the overall watch time on your channel.


Promote videos with maximum audience retention:

There are many different ranking factors to consider the audience retention rate as per the YouTube algorithm. The audience retention rate depends on how long your viewers watch your YouTube videos or we can say that it depends on the watch time.

The higher audience retention rate improves the ranking in the Youtube SERPs and Feed or recommendation section.

Youtube cards help YouTube creator to create engaging content and prevent the viewers to watch another old or new video so it will help you to increase the audience retention rate in a short time with a maximum number of the audience.

Youtube allows you to check the high audience retention video by looking at YouTube analytics.


I hope you found this as a helpful article on YouTube cards and how to utilize them in your next YouTube video.

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